Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Permission To Laugh At My Expense

Just a little taste of my day so far:

1. Cats with no food = constant whining since 7 am
2. Children have ALMOST killed eachother repeatedly
3. Tanner dumped his applesauce in his hair and rubbed it in
4. Maddie fights a battle with me about wanting to wear her cinderella nightgown to the stores (when it's 35 degrees outside). After a loooooong negotiation session she chose to wear a skirt OVER her sweats. Stylish.
5. Finally ready to go and Tanner has a nasty diaper! So fun.
6. Kroger, somewhat successful. Kids were actually very well behaved.
7. Party store. Somebody just shoot me. What was I thinking? Really? This store is going out of business and everything is 60-75% off so I thought I'd get Tanner's birthday stuff early. NOT.
Had nothing that Tanner wanted, but before we could leave both kids thought it would be a great idea to start trying to blow up balloons from the bins. Yep, put their slimy little mouths all over them. The nice man let us keep the ones with their saliva as souvenirs of the epic fun had by all. I will be going back there and buying things I don't need just as a thank you to this nice man.
8. Spankings x 2 in the car.
9. Target. I think a pap smear would have been more fun. Tanner somehow got the package of applesauce open (what is it with this kid and applesauce?!). Then he learns how much fun it is to lean way out with his arms and knock things off the shelves while I'm pushing the basket and trying to keep Miss Maddie from getting illegal items when I'm distracted with Tanner (she is unbelievably good at that!). I go to check out and none of my coupons would work, and the lady is painfully slow. Because, at this point, did I really expect anything different? This is when I finally let Tanner have my phone-I think I lasted pretty long-and I let Maddie go play on the computers by customer service (she loves them!). And then nobody is there to help put bags in my basket and the lady behind me is giving me nasty looks.
10. HOME! I get everyone fed and happy, only to discover that the cats were so hungry they ate too fast and puked. Seriously?!

Honestly though, I know of two sweet families right now that have just lost their child, or know for a fact that the death of their baby is imminent. I am just reminded that I am so very thankful for this chaotic day. I have children that I love to take care of, that are healthy. I have a home to bring groceries into. I have no complaints. I just wanted to share this to make you laugh, because as I was talking to Rocky about everything I just started laughing! Hope you are having a wonderful and blessed day too!

Naptime, and I'm having a glass of wine. Don't judge.

1 comment:

welcometomyfrontporch said...

WHAT A DAY! I'm glad when other moms share these stories and the thing that we have to remember is, they are kids who are exploring and don't understand quite yet on how to act in public. They just see fun in front of their little eyes. You are right though, these times are the times we have to be reminded that God blessed us with them. I always say when people remind me that I have my hands full, "Better than empty". That usually shuts them up right there and yet I tell myself that over and over. How I would give anything for William to knock over my lamp and break it. (Yeah my boys did that the other day). :) Glad you are laughing through it. Miss you my friend!